Monday, August 28, 2006

If you are wondering why a lot of conventional diets fail, the reason is quite simple what tends to happen is, when you cut down on your calorie intake your body thinks it’s being starved so what tends to happen is instead said of losing weight, you don’t tend to lose any at all your metabolism slows right down and your body holds onto its fat stores.

This is a survival mechanism from our caveman days as it was probably not known when we would eat or not eat. So it is a good idea to cut down on calorie content because this is one of the ways as well as exercise of losing weight what you basically need is the current deficit of 500 cal per day if you work that out over seven days it comes to 3500 cal which equates to one pound of fat per week or if you add exercise to that as well, then it’s quite possible to lose two pounds a week.

One of the great things about the GI diet is that the food you eat, will get broken down slowly hence no hunger pangs.

One of the reasons for weight gain with eating foods that contain lots of sugar and or foods that is the sugar will turn into glucose very quickly this will cause a insulin dump, insulin is a fat storage hormone so with high fat and high sugary foods your telling your body to store fat hence no weight loss as I found out to my expense.


Blogger tesco-complaint said...

I find it interesting that you consider carbolysis to be a mechanism from our cavemen days when we did not know when we would get our next meal.

The human body is the same the world over. The majority of humans in 2007, like our cavemen ancestors, still do not know when they will get their next meal. Children are dying of starvation right now so carbolysis is very relevant and is not some ancient leftover unnecessary body mechanism.

11:53 am  

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