Sunday, October 29, 2006

Marvellous Mushrooms

There is one particular vegetable I've been eating quite a lot of over the past nine or ten months, and that is mushrooms I tend to eat white button mushrooms, which are quite readily available at most supermarkets in punnets, where mine come from you get quite a lot and they can go quite far when you eat them with something else, what I have done in the past is added them to other dishes, I tend to add them to baked beans, which may sound a bit strange but together with the tomato sauce they taste quite nice once cooked and also add a bit of bulk to the meal.

As far as mushrooms go there are a great way to get essential minerals, they have protein in iron, niacin and have reasonable amounts of selenium, copper, zinc and also contain fibre and here is another great thing about mushrooms as well they have water in them as well as being very low in calories which is another great benefit especially if you are trying to lose weight.

One of the great benefits of zinc which mushrooms do contain is its ability to boost immune system function so during the winter months this might be aid in warding off winter colds and other nasty viruses that appear during winter, zinc also can be a key factor in maintaining blood sugar levels and also helping maintain the body's metabolic rate. So there you have it mushrooms in a nutshell and I must say this is one particular vegetable that I never used to pay attention to or eat for that matter but glad I do now.


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