Sunday, November 26, 2006

Folic Acid May Stop Heart Attack Risk

According to a study done in the British Medical Journal, incorporating folic acid into your diet may greatly reduce your chance of having a heart attack later on in life, looking at previous studies, done before in the past relating to folic acid.

Scientists have find out that folic acid has an effect on something called homocysteine folic acid works by lowering levels of this particular amino acid, which works to prevent cardiovascular disease. Folic acid is present in leafy green vegetables and liver also, some other studies have found that, eating an abundance of this food may also prevent strokes and possibly also the onset of Alzheimer's disease by a half.

Also folic acid has had other studies done that prove that it may help to lower blood pressure and prevent its onset later on in life

Foods that contain a lot of folic acid are bread wholemeal is more healthy and contains more fibre, brussel sprouts, green beans oranges, dried beans, lentils.

Most foods that are in the leafy green category aid weight loss also so you here have a double effect occurring. So eat more folic acid then and have good health.



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