Sunday, November 19, 2006

Five Ways To Cut your Salt Intake Down

Over quite a long time now salt has been a thrashed, out health concerned for many years, we know we should cut back on our salt intake, but a recent study has somewhat confused the issue, this study published in the March 2006 American Journal of Medicine. said that the people who limited their salt intake were more likely to die of heart disease e.g. a stroke or heart disease, as opposed to those people who consumed more salt.

The American Heart Association says that you should aim for 1500 milligrams per day this also includes, people with high blood pressure also. Everyone else should be less than 2300 milligrams of sodium in a day, which is a teaspoon of salt.

1. Cut down on your processed food intake, a good percentage of salt is in processed food

2. Make sure that you prepare your own sandwiches and or food, without any secondary intervention, so you can choose what you add to your own food, when you're out ask if any salt has been added to the dish.

3. Look at dressings these can contain lots of added salt

4. Use something alternative, you can buy lower sodium salt these days or use some pepper instead

5. Don't eat out at fast-food restaurants, these places have some of the highest salt content in food

Via Web M.D


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