Monday, November 06, 2006

How EFT May Stop Binge Eating

If you have never heard of EFT before it can help in many problems of your life it is a acronym for Emotional Freedom Technique, the way this method works is you tap various parts on your body which realigns the way the energy flows through your body it is a form of acupuncture without needles you can use it for other problems such as phobias and so on.

The technique is quite simple to do and doesn't take that much time either in a nutshell here's how it's done first of all get one finger and tap where your eyebrow meets your nose do this two times, then move to the left of your eye and do the same thing there, then go under your eye, under your nose, under your chin, doing the tapping of all these points as you go along, then go to your collarbone, under your arm, then go to the back of your wrist, from there go to your thumb, index finger next, middle finger, little finger then the edge of your hand or the karate chop as it's called. These two paragraphs are to familiarise you with the technique initially, so you are more aware of how it works and how to use it.

When you have done this rub your sore spot which is just below your collarbone “saying out loud even though I am overweight, I deeply and completely except myself and don't need to binge eat”

Also while doing the tapping when you are near the karate chop part, hum the happy birthday tune whilst doing the tapping.

In fact someone has been practising this very therapy with her clients for quite a few years now and she has this to say “ Dr Solomon says, “ during my dieting years I never thought there was a way out…. an actual alternative to compulsive eating. Through painful determination and willpower, I finally broke my own cycle, but I still struggled with occasional bouts of binging. My binging were very to connected with feelings of overwhelm and overwork. I had to be on alert that I wouldn't fall back into that trap”

Through using EFT she stopped her binging.

Click the below link to read more



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