Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Super Food of The Week -The Carrot

Carrots are something that you may associate with rabbit food from your younger years, remember how when you are younger your parents might say eat your carrots as they will help you see in the dark, one of the great weight loss properties of the carrot is soluble fibre, which can help to lower cholesterol levels, carrots are also rich in beta-carotene, which can help in the prevention of some cancers stomach being one, also the uterus.

You’re less likely to suffer from a stroke if you eat plenty of carrots according to some studies, and other great thing about carrots is they have quite a lot of vitamin A which is beneficial to eye health.

Carrots contain cartenoids which can be an aid in the regulation of blood sugar which is good news for people with diabetes.

Also carrots are very low in calories coming in at 52 to 53 calories per one cup, which is another good reason to eat them. They are also very rich in minerals and vitamins namely vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, minerals include potassium which is known for promoting heart health, phosphorus, magnesium and folate.

The carrot therefore in summary is a great all-round superfood great for snacking on in order to stop cravings of other types of foods.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had better believe it - one of the best things you can eat.
Check out the World Carrot Museum, nutrition pages for more information.
Every one should eat one carrot a day!

8:51 am  

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