Getting Past The Plateau

And on the subject matter of plateaus I thought it would make a post incase you may be at a similar postition yourself.
So here are some ideas or tips which may help you incase your stuck.
- Don't worry that this has happened it's quite normal to hit these what tends to happen is when you eat less and start to lose weight your metabolism follows your BMR changes this is what can cause the slowdown. Your body needs so many calories to keep you alive basic body functions etc. But as long as you maintain the 500 cal per day with a combination of exercise and eating the right food then you should be ok.
- Eat more protien but keep things in balance step up your intake of fruit ones that aren't full of sugar I eat a lot of apples now they curb hunger for me.
- Are you a concious eater or a subconcious eater sometimes we eat food without even thinking about what we are eating this may be something that you may not be even aware of.
- Eat a few more calories if you eat less sometimes you body will
go into starvation mode and this will cause a slowdwown. - Start a food log so you exactly know how much you have eaten throughout the day and or week do the same for your exercise as well.
- Ask other people how they got through there plateau post on forums or ask on someone else's blog, something someone may say might help everything hasn't or isn't in a book sometimes there are other ways to do things.
- Listen to music when you exercise with a portable mp3 player it can make it more enjoyable instead of less boring.
- Try eating as many differerant types of foods there is sometimes eating the same foods becomes boring so we tend to go back to how we ate before, we can tend to be creatures of comfort I never used to eat apples but eat them all the time now.
- Buy a juicer you might not like eating some vegetables or fruit but juiced they can taste lovely.
- Change your exercise routine have a look to see where you have the most fat and work a routine around it make sure you are getting in the fat burning zone.
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