Friday, September 29, 2006

The humble sweet potato

The sweet potato is a vegetable packed with nutritional goodness it might be one those vegetables that you tend to overlook when your grocery shopping, it wasn't until just recently that I myself found out about these potatoes and how good for you they are

In fact they are so much better for you than the normal humble potato, that isn't to say that straightforward potatoes aren't necessarily bad for you, but after doing some research it turns out that when you eat say a jacket potato for instance with some butter as a filling you may tend to think that eating that would be okay that but is that the case, I heard somebody recently say on a well-known TV programme that chips as in the one’s you buy from a chip shop say have a bit of a double whammy attached to them.

The chips will be covered in saturated fat but also the potatoes themselves are broken down into glucose very quickly so again hence fat storage this is why a lot of people who eat chips tend to gain weight, there's nothing wrong of course with eating a jacket potato with other foods say for instance beans or some other nutritious food this will lower the whole GI rating of the meal, or jacket potatoes just on their own with a bit of butter, are okay in moderation but a potato on its own have a generally high GI rating.

So back to the sweet potato and anyway these potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals namely vitamin C. vitamin a manganese, fibre, vitamins B6, potassium and iron and very low in calories approximately 95 cal per serving which is quite low.

Also sweet potatoes are what's known as an antidiabetic food which is good news for people with diabetes, it can help towards stabilising blood sugar which will prevent high levels of insulin which can lead to fat storage, so my suggestion to you is go out try some and see what you think they do taste nicer than a normal potato I can assure you of that.


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