Thursday, October 05, 2006

How to think yourself Thin

This rather bold statement, might seem odd at first but really all I am stating, is the obvious and easiest route to lose weight, we all know that is not possible to lose weight by the power of thought, but we can harness the energy of our minds in order to make this task more easier when we are trying to lose weight.

Eat when you only need to eat, this statement may seem quite obvious at first and it is, the thing is this could you be one of these people that eats when they're watching television, how many of us have sat there with some snack that is loaded with sugar, or saturated fat such as crisps for example or Pringles, we tend to behave the same as if was at the cinema when were not really, and we might throw in a small tub of ice cream and or a bar of chocolate, this is what I tend to call not conscious eating but habitual eating this is just one example of how we eat in certain situations.

Forget eating a meal times this may sound crazy at first but in times gone past people would eat throughout the day rather than set mealtimes, now I don't know about you but sometimes I can get hungry before dinnertime or sometimes I go over the dinnertime threshold, listen to what your body tells you, because the thing is if you don't eat when you're hungry your metabolism will slow down and so will your weight loss, so the general advice is eat little often than you won't starve yourself and probably find you won't need to eat such a big evening meal.

If you find you have cravings for certain foods try this technique to knock them on the head what you have to do is think about the food that you're craving see in front of your face about 3 foot away, then whilst seeing the picture of the food in front of you, see a revolving wheel also at the same time imposed over it a bit like a tom bola, or spinning cylinder make it red in colour, then spin it backwards then make it blue in colour, then imagine that cylinder in your stomach spinning backwards, this should neutralise the craving for the food, try it on yourself.

If you're lacking motivation in your exercise regime think about this, when you're doing it is there is no excitement whilst doing it does it seem like a normal mundane task that you have to do in order to lose weight, well if it does think of it like this think of a time when you were doing something really enjoyable feel those feelings and get the picture in your mind of doing exercise at the same time, imagine you're really there doing the exercise and really enjoying it and knowing your going to be a lot healthier for it, in fact it might be best if you close your eyes when doing this, what this will do is attach that feeling when you do the exercise, and make it more enjoyable.


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