Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day?

This is something that has been hotly debated for a long time now over the years as regards whether or not to do it, how about you do you weigh yourself every day I used to at one point but decided once a week was enough, the main reason for doing this was your weight can vary throughout the day so you can weigh more, later on in the day but can be lighter in the morning which is how it happens to me. It would seem however though from a recent study that was done it is a good idea to weigh yourself every day.

A study was done and what it says was quite interesting apparently the benefits are quite profound to say the least.

“Providence, RI -- Most successful dieters regain the weight they lost. But new research shows that stepping on a scale every day, then cutting calories and boosting exercise if the numbers run too high, can significantly help dieters maintain weight loss. The study, conducted by researchers at The Miriam Hospital and Brown Medical School, reports results of the first program designed specifically for weight loss maintenance. The study appears in the New England Journal of Medicine". "Unlike other obesity studies, which focus on how to lose weight, the clinical trial called STOP Regain tested a method that taught participants how to keep those pounds from coming back - regardless of what method they used to lose the weight in the first place.”



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