Is Your Microwave Making You Fat ?
Is this one of those news stories that makes you think it's the radiation that would do this ?. Well in this case it's a no it isn't it's more of a case of what you put in it that matters, mind you everyone probably guessed that anyway. So what's the deal here then well it's down to some research that has done been done in the UK revolving around the causes of obesity.
Jane Wardle who is a professor has noted that obesity in this country shot up about the same time as the microwave oven boom around about 1984, around that time also more ready meals started appearing on our supermarket shelves, the facts speak for themselves about 1980 eight per cent of women were obese and six percent of men were. Now fast forward a lot of years to 20o4 and that figure jumps to twenty four percent for both men and women, that's a huge increase.
The scientists say they blame foods high in calories and less physical exercise, they also say our previous generations had higher calorie intake than we do know but there jobs where more physically demanding and hence they stayed slimmer.
The study came about because it became of interest of when the obesity epidemic started tracing back and it seemed to begin in and around 1984 to 1987
Prof Wardle said
"So then we looked at what changes were going on in the food and activity world at that time and one of the striking changes was there were differences in the speed with which we could prepare a meal as a consequence of the introduction of microwaves."
Also she noted that about this time food became cheaper and ready meals started to appear on our supermarket shelves.
It's not to say that using a microwave is a bad thing but a lot of the food that you buy of the shelves can have a lot of fat and sugar in it, ready meals that is although as in everything there are also healthy alternatives thing is a lot of people don't read the labels when buying these microwave meals there just so convient for busy people.
One of the scientists said supermarkets are to blame people use cars more now than ever before food is everywhere you go it's cheaper, people exercise less now than they used to.
Another scientist comments where that obesity can be tracked after the war 1945to be exact, just before this time there was less food about and in fact people overall where healthier. When new technolgies started to arrive they took the place of doing hard work in both work and pleasure.
We as a nation now have never had so much food in our lives no shortage that's for sure, I suppose in summing up it's all a matter of choice really.
I use our microwave for porridge (oatmeal) in the morning and various other things
Jane Wardle who is a professor has noted that obesity in this country shot up about the same time as the microwave oven boom around about 1984, around that time also more ready meals started appearing on our supermarket shelves, the facts speak for themselves about 1980 eight per cent of women were obese and six percent of men were. Now fast forward a lot of years to 20o4 and that figure jumps to twenty four percent for both men and women, that's a huge increase.
The scientists say they blame foods high in calories and less physical exercise, they also say our previous generations had higher calorie intake than we do know but there jobs where more physically demanding and hence they stayed slimmer.
The study came about because it became of interest of when the obesity epidemic started tracing back and it seemed to begin in and around 1984 to 1987
Prof Wardle said
"So then we looked at what changes were going on in the food and activity world at that time and one of the striking changes was there were differences in the speed with which we could prepare a meal as a consequence of the introduction of microwaves."
Also she noted that about this time food became cheaper and ready meals started to appear on our supermarket shelves.
It's not to say that using a microwave is a bad thing but a lot of the food that you buy of the shelves can have a lot of fat and sugar in it, ready meals that is although as in everything there are also healthy alternatives thing is a lot of people don't read the labels when buying these microwave meals there just so convient for busy people.
One of the scientists said supermarkets are to blame people use cars more now than ever before food is everywhere you go it's cheaper, people exercise less now than they used to.
Another scientist comments where that obesity can be tracked after the war 1945to be exact, just before this time there was less food about and in fact people overall where healthier. When new technolgies started to arrive they took the place of doing hard work in both work and pleasure.
We as a nation now have never had so much food in our lives no shortage that's for sure, I suppose in summing up it's all a matter of choice really.
I use our microwave for porridge (oatmeal) in the morning and various other things
It makes sense. Think of all the abominable crap food that you can microwave in a minute or two. Back in the OLD days, I would have to actually pull my arse off the couch and stand around in the kitchen cooking an omelet or toasting a cheese sandwich when I wanted to pig out.
Popcorn had to be cooked in oil unless you bought Jiffy Pop, and JP still had to be pan-cooked until it popped.
So there is no doubt in my mind that the microwave is probably a big enabler of obesity.
You should consider taking your blog off the MODERATED status, it discourages posting. I rarely post on any blog that requires approval of messages. It is Un-American. You can delete them later if someone posts anything that is so objectionable.
I took note of what you said and made the changes regarding the comments.
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