Thursday, August 31, 2006

I joined a weight loss forum the other day and read a post about Tea and losing weight and this started a search about various teas and there health benefits one that came out of the forum post was one called pu'erh tea it seems to have quite a few health benefits.


Speeds up your metabolism
lowers cholestorol
blood cleansing properties
stops hunger craving

Also green tea is supposed to help with weight loss to

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Just set this up on

How it breaks down food in a nutshell

Just found this information on a website and thought it might be useful.

1 gram fat = 9 calories
1 gram protein = 4 calories
1 g carbohydrate = 4 calories
1 g fiber = 0 calories

from this it's easy to see how things mount up calorie wise
Just so you know where I am heading with this here are my stats as they where.

Start weight:

17 1/2 stone 245 pounds 111 kilograms

Target weight : 13 stone 182 pounds 82 kilograms

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A tip I read some while back now for cutting your food intake down is drink some water before your meal this will fill your stomach up and so you eat less.

Useful reading:

GI diet information sites

Monday, August 28, 2006

If you are wondering why a lot of conventional diets fail, the reason is quite simple what tends to happen is, when you cut down on your calorie intake your body thinks it’s being starved so what tends to happen is instead said of losing weight, you don’t tend to lose any at all your metabolism slows right down and your body holds onto its fat stores.

This is a survival mechanism from our caveman days as it was probably not known when we would eat or not eat. So it is a good idea to cut down on calorie content because this is one of the ways as well as exercise of losing weight what you basically need is the current deficit of 500 cal per day if you work that out over seven days it comes to 3500 cal which equates to one pound of fat per week or if you add exercise to that as well, then it’s quite possible to lose two pounds a week.

One of the great things about the GI diet is that the food you eat, will get broken down slowly hence no hunger pangs.

One of the reasons for weight gain with eating foods that contain lots of sugar and or foods that is the sugar will turn into glucose very quickly this will cause a insulin dump, insulin is a fat storage hormone so with high fat and high sugary foods your telling your body to store fat hence no weight loss as I found out to my expense.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I put my BMI details into a calculator the other day, and I now have a BMI of 29 which is better than other times which according to this site, I am now classed as overweight rather than obese it's quite a simple one you put your height and weight in and it measures your BMI, the other day I tried some jeans on that are a 36" waist and can now get them on but with some slight over hang, where as before it was a struggle to get the zip up without lots of grunting and groaning and puffing hopefully in the not to distant future, I should be able to get them on without any overhang at all.

All for now bye.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

My weekly weigh in was on Friday this Friday just gone that is and now I am 15 stones 11 or 1ookg, so another 1-2lb lost or 1kg, so far so good and on target, there could be some more ups as well as downs from what Iv'e read your weight can fluctuate.

So iv'e taken this into consideration during this period of weight loss and hopefully won't become a bit down trodden when there isn't any loss but be glad when this some.

My next weigh in will be next Friday so just keep plugging at it I say.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The method which I decided to use was the GI way way of eating known as the glycemic index, which revolves around eating low sugar foods or foods with no sugar in at all, plus low fat content also, I'll post some links to some sites which explain the gi index and which foods are high and low on the index. These will give you a rough guide as which foods are best to eat, so far it seems to be working for me anyway.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hello this is my first post on this new blog, I decided to document my fight with the bulge or put simply, weight loss hence the title lose that tyre, seemed like a bit of a twist on just calling it my diet blog or anything else for that matter.

So here we are I am a bit ahead of this blog should of started it ages ago when I first started trying to lose weight but didn't anyway.

I am now ten weeks in on my plan to lose weight this being my 10th week end of this week and so far far so good, up to now I have lost one and a half stone.