Friday, December 08, 2006

The New Kid on the Block "The Vice Buster Diet"

Julia Griggs Havey, who has wrote this book, says by getting rid of one food vice, will change the way you do things for a very long time as regards your eating habits, many weight loss gurus will say they have done this that or the other, but she is living proof that what she has done really does work.

The only thing that tended to work for her was getting rid of her vices once and for all, the way she puts it is that food controls us rather than the other way round we think we control it, she tried various diets for 15 years, and all the things that she didn't want to eat kept tempting her, the way she describes it is a vice is something you keep doing out of habit when you're eating.

You like eating cake for example at a particular time of day you might have some with a cup of coffee or tea, which you could do at any time of day really it doesn't matter but this is how habits are formed even though you think you are eating healthy you might be putting it to the back of your mind and saying to yourself just once won't matter but sure enough this will without doubt, lay the foundations for a habit. Which if you have said food say every other day or every day soon starts to mount up calorie wise.

Julia says she had lots of many different vices the worst of which was ice cream, she could get through half a gallon of ice cream in a night, this is in its simplest form is reward behaviour but of the wrong type because what tends to happen is your training your brain to become a comfort eater if you're on your own or depressed food becomes a comfort.

It's far better to reward yourself with something else rather than food say for instance a visit to a health spa or some other type of reward. In a survey done on the ediets website, a high percentage of people admitted to having vices one or even more, high content sugar drinks e.g Coca-Cola, or any other soft drink pizza, ice cream were among the top vices that people admitted to having, 70% of people who responded to this survey said that having a particular vice would knock them off course during their dieting efforts, whether it be a weekly or daily occurrence.

Here in summary format are the top three vices:
  • Ditch the soft drinks, people don't seem to make the association between being overweight and drinking soft drinks, if they see a celebrity drinking it then its very possible they tend to think it's okay to drink them when it's not.
  • Cut out fast food she says that it was very easy to become hooked on fast-food, then come home and eat more food.
  • Don't watch television, Julia said that she used to watch four hours a day and was hooked on that also. She then decided to ditch it and do exercise instead and wouldn't watch it until she had done her exercise.

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