Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Does Inner Fat Mean Inner Danger

At one time of day we would say that inside every fat person there was a thin person waiting to get out, but is that necessarily the case now doctors have pioneered a scanning process, which may prove otherwise, it would seem that even though you are thin you could still have inner layers of hidden fat which could be quite dangerous.

Something called magnetic resonance imaging is used to scan your body, and what was found was in a group, of 10 people four of those people could be thin on the outside but fat on the inside, one of the heads of the study group says that this may cause either diabetes or heart related problems, really people need to focus on being healthy but not just thin also, you may tend to think you are healthy but if you have this inner fat, it may affect your health.

Even if you are slim you could have fat around your important organs such as your liver pancreas and heart, or around your muscles as well, when the team were using the MRI scanner they stumbled upon this by accident, they were doing research into Type II diabetes and oddly enough people who were thin also had the foundations for type 2 diabetes which is normally associated with obesity.

It's even being said now that BMI can no longer be relied upon as a indicator of health, the reasons given for this are if your muscle mass is bigger than normal it will weigh more than fat so therefore your BMI will say you're overweight even though you have very little fat mass.

When exercising this internal fat will burn off but, not if you just use diet alone
one of the participants in the study, who was scanned was very outwardly healthy but it was found that his internal body fat was quite high, he has a desk job and due to the demands of his job, wasn't able to go to the gym.

So the moral of this story is even though you may have a thin outside body appearance you may still have problems later on in life.

Via http://www.telegraph.co.uk


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